Hastening the Work – Liahona June 2014 – liahona

2014-06-28 | からnakmas | ファイル: 未分類.

President Monson “I believe He is hastening His work in the spirit world. I also believe that the Lord, through His servants there, is preparing many spirits to receive the gospel. “

 President Young ““What are they doing there? They are preaching, preaching all the time, and preparing the way for us to hasten our work in building temples here and elsewhere.”

 人に求められていることは、他の人のために働くこと。 死んだ後も同じ状態が続くらしいので、それに備えて、ちゃんと働けるように、しかも、楽しんで働き続けられるように、今がんばりましょう。

Hastening the Work – Liahona June 2014 – liahona
